Friday, April 06, 2007

Zoë's here!

Zoë Elianna Pruden (or Harris Pruden) was born Thursday morning at 9:20 AM, after a 50 minute labor (meaning Tracie pushing in earnest). Zoë, weighing in at 6 pounds 3 ounces and 18 inches long, is perfectly healthy and has already pooped something resembling part algae, part toxic waste and part velcro. That's my girl!!

Tracie is fine, though recovering from a slight tear. She's exhausted but did an amazing job.

We've been told we'll be in this room until Friday sometime. Vistors welcome -- Room 3772. Direct Line: 916/703-8366 (My cell phone is dying)

I no longer have email at the hospital, so best to call the room directly.

Pictures to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Glad everything went smoothly. We're all ready to meet Zoe (do I have to use the right E?).

But, 25 hours and no pictures yet? What is this, the Dark Ages? Even back in the Renaissance we'd have a portrait by now! :)

Whew, that 2nd paragraph was cathartic. I've been putting up with that from the in-laws every single day since Raven was born...

- Dave