Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Long time coming, but I finally re-designed my blogspot site. I added a bunch of goodies in the sidebar which some of you might enjoy perusing, including a perpetual photo slideshow updated at my whim, a "greatest hits" section of (what I feel are) the best posts on my blog, an interactive chronological index and total list of searchable tags, plus an exhaustive catalog of my credits to date and current projects I'm working on.

I've been wanted to do this makeover for about a year, but have had neither the guts nor the time to upgrade to Blogger's new layout system. Truth be told, I'm more of a Wordpress kind of guy and considered migrating to that platform given their CSS mastery with typesetting, but I feel that—in the long run—Google will eventually win the CSS battle, too.

Anyway, have a gander at my new blog and leave a comment if you like what you see. Or even if you don't. :)

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